Rails Core

Parameterize with options to preserve case of string.

Updated `parameterize` to preserve the case of a string, optionally.
parameterize('Tom E. Knuth', separator: '_') => 'tom_e_knuth'
parameterize('Tom E. Knuth', preserve_case: true) => 'Tom-E-Knuth'
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Tensorflow Resources

Curated Tensorflow code resources to help you get started with Deep Learning.

from __future__ import print_function
import tensorflow as tf
hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!')
# Start tf session
sess = tf.Session()
view raw readme.py hosted with ❤ by GitHub


Ping file system events to any API.

watchman sync
* Listening to source (CTRL+C to quit)
watchman worker
* Receiving events (CTRL+C to quit)
view raw watchman.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub


Quick and easy tool to monitor your Redis keys.

>> redmon monitor -k sample
>> * Watching 'sample' every 1.0 seconds (Press CTRL+C to quit)
>> 18:30:08 - 5
>> 18:30:09 - 5
>> 18:30:10 - 5
view raw redmon.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub


Play Alchemy right from your terminal!

To show your elements,

alchy show

To combine two elements,

alchy combine air air

If the new element exits, you'll get a prompt,

New element, wind 🎉

Else, try again! :)

view raw alchy.md hosted with ❤ by GitHub


Syncs local file changes to a server over RSync via SSH.

synclady pull
* Receiving file list from server
* Pulling from server
synclady sync
* Listening to source (CTRL+C to quit)
view raw synclady.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub