Arel Primer

One of the easiest things about Rails, is writing out SQL quereies without writing out SQL queries.

So instead of writing something like this,

SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."role" = 'admin'

We can write something like this,

User.where(role: :admin)
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Year In Review - 2020

2020 was a year of reflection for me. I learned so much about myself. And I’m so proud of the time I gave myself.

Here’s a look back into my favorites for the year, the lessons I learnt and my resolutions for 2021.

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Concurrency In The Erlang VM

Erlang is often referred to as the “concurrency oriented programming language”.

How did it get this name? How can a language created in the 80s for the telecom industry help us now?

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Before you upgrade your Rails 4 project to Rails 5

I finally, FINALLY moved my old Rails projects stuck in Rails 4 to Rails 5. I’ve been dreading doing this, since it is such a painful process. But a new year is meant for new things (or old things, depending on how you look at this).

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Rails strategy for reusing common behavior in models

A while ago I had an interesting problem to solve. Three of my modules reused the same functionality, they all had to parse address fields from a given lat and long.

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